A Fine Novel – The Liar

A Fine Novel – The Liar

Today’s Irish Examiner carries my review of The Liar by the late Danish writer, Martin A. Hansen, translated by Paul Larkin. I love European literature written just after the ending of the Second World War and this translation is a literary treat. -oo0oo- The...
Palestinian Flags & Emblems Act

Palestinian Flags & Emblems Act

Yesterday, Israel’s security minister Itamar Ben-Gvirban issued an order banning the flying of the Palestinian flag in public. It was yet another punitive step by the new Israeli government which was in retaliation for Palestine lobbying the UN for a more pro-active...
Britain’s Shameful History

Britain’s Shameful History

Guest writer Roy Greenslade reviews Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire by Caroline Elkins. -oo0oo- In 1970, a popular British newspaper published a story that rightly deserved to be called sensational. The People reported that British soldiers had...
Guests of the Nation

Guests of the Nation

My review of Conal Creedon’s book, Art imitating Life imitating Death, was published in the Irish Examiner last Saturday (17 December).* Here it is: One of Ireland’s greatest short stories is Frank O’Connor’s ‘Guests of the Nation’ about two British soldiers...
When is Enough, Enough?

When is Enough, Enough?

Former British soldier and member of the Ulster Unionist Party in 1998, Glenn Bradley, recently spoke at the Ireland’s Future event in the Ulster Hall and was later vilified on social media by some loyalists. Here, he links the debate about fundamental...