Death of J.D. Salinger

I loved ‘Catcher In The Rye’, found it very moving and the product of a benevolent, affable human being completely at odds with the real Salinger, a recluse who lived behind a six-foot fence in a compound, ordered all his fan mail to be burned and sued anyone who...

The Story of Elise and Otto Hampel

Elise Lemme married Otto Hampel in 1935. She was a domestic servant and a member of the National Socialist Frauenschaft (Women’s League). Otto had served in WWI and was a factory worker. After the death of Elise’s brother, a soldier killed during the German assault on...

Fighting Between Revolutionaries Is Tragic

I find that Carlos Fuentes wears his considerable erudition too conspicuously on his sleeve which has a slight intimidating effect on the reader and can make for a bit of struggle. As well as being a famous novelist he writes on politics and culture and was Mexico’s...

The Yellow Bittern

Finished ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ by Kurt Vonnegut around Sunday lunchtime; then visited my mom and her friends, Mary and Sarah, in Grovetree House; came home and read a limited amount of Sunday Shit online by the anoraks led by the key Tralfamadorian, Mick Fealty, who...

‘Alone In Berlin’

16th January. Finished what is probably the best book I have read in ten years, ‘Alone In Berlin’ by Hans Fallada. Finished it with tears streaming down my cheeks. 15th January. Went to the Black Box to hear Chris Mullin speak, part of the Cathedral Arts Quarter’s...